Malahayati of Aceh (16th century) is one of the most significant Muslim women in early modern Islamic history. She was a prominent military and political figure in the Sultanate of...
Malahayati of Aceh: First Female Admiral

Malahayati of Aceh (16th century) is one of the most significant Muslim women in early modern Islamic history. She was a prominent military and political figure in the Sultanate of...
Queen Amina of Zaria (16th century) was a ruthless warrior queen of Hausa, North Africa. She was the first woman to become the Sarauniya (queen) in a male-dominated society. From...
Ghazalah al-Shaybaniyyah (7th century) was a female Muslim warrior and an important leader in her own right and commander of armies. Although there is not much in history that can...
Khawla al-Azwar (7th century) is yet another companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and an Arab warrior. Her passion for the cause of Islam made her led battles, wars and all...
Asma bin Yazid Al Sakan (may Allah be pleased with her) was a 7th century Muslim warrior and companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the battle of Khyber. She belonged...