When it comes to balancing work and family, women particularly still carry most of the responsibility. They successfully manage household chores along with their chores outside the home.
Conclusively Muslim women can be the ambassador of Islam by representing themselves as a modern and emancipated woman. Their self-representation in everyday life can change the dominant image of Islam. However, we should not deny the fact that it is more important than ever before to amplify women’s voices for individual and collective empowerment. We should also acquire gender equality within Islam, without separating religion from our traditions and cultures. The motivational examples we highlighted in previous categories (Ignite, Inspire) were of Muslim women who are not only engaged in business but also successful in the family, in society and in sport. The aim is to educate people about successful women in Islam who achieved success despite of facing many challenges from their society. Society, in fact, has the wrong understanding of Muslim women and this is our small effort to show that Islam is a modern religion that calls for progress, education and peace.