Khawla al-Azwar: Arab Warrior

March 11, 2023

Khawla al-Azwar (7th century) is yet another companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and an Arab warrior. Her passion for the cause of Islam made her led battles, wars and all kinds of military expeditions.   She, alongside her brother Dhiraar bin Azwar took part in the great Rashidun Army in the conquest of Syria, Palestine and Jordon. Her participation in the Battle of Yarmuk against Byzantines is one of the most remembered and remarkable event. It is said that during the siege of Damascus, her brother was attacked and taken to prison by the Byzantine army. Khwalah came fearlessly to the aid of her brother and attacked rearguard of the Byzantine army all alone.  The later narratives described her fighting skills as that of famed Muslim general Khalid bin-Waleed.  Her bravery helped Muslims to win many battles. At one occasion, Khwalah and injured Muslim soldiers were attacked by Byzantine battalion. Such situation can make even the strongest warriors a bit nervous. But khawlah’s unwavering courage and mental stamina made her act bravely. She took a knight’s armor and covered her face with a green scarf. She fought back so valiantly that Muslim soldiers thought she is the great commander Khalid bin Walid, himself. Soon after revealing herself they then found out it was a woman.  In another battle when her spear was broken, she was taken as a Roman prisoner. Instead of waiting for help, she gathered the other prisoner women and encouraged them to fight for their freedom and honor. Having no weapons, they themselves took the tents, poles and pegs and attacked Roman guards. According to Al-Waqyidi, the historian, they killed at least 30 Roman knights before escaping.

Khawlah is the shining example of valiance for Muslim women. She lived her life for Islam and Muslims. Her life set an example for both men and women alike that one should fight for what one believes in. Apart from being a fierce fighter, she was a nurse and an accomplished poet too. The Iraqi All-Women Military unit is named after her in her honor. UAE’s first women college is also named after Khawla Bint Al Azwar. Jordon issued a seal in her honor as part of the Arab women in history.