Malahayati of Aceh: First Female Admiral

March 25, 2023

Malahayati of Aceh (16th century) is one of the most significant Muslim women in early modern Islamic history. She was a prominent military and political figure in the Sultanate of Aceh. She is known as the first female admiral in the world. She was an educated pious woman who became widow of a Navy officer. She decided to continue her husband’s fight and led an army of other widows to become one of the most fearsome and formidable fighting forces to roam in seas. It was the first all-women army. She was a heroic admiral who was the leader of resistance against Dutch colonialism in South Asia. It is said that she was so feared that when the Dutch decided to attack Sumatra, she kidnapped their senior Admiral Van Neck, and sunk most of their fleet. Her most remembered victory was the defeat of the Dutch naval commander Cornelius de Houtman. The Dutch came pleading for a peace treaty and agreed never to return. She was a warrior with a strong will to achieve anything, if she sets her mind to it. Her bravery honor and success made her an unforgettable figure of history. Many naval ships, universities, hospitals and roads in Sumatran cities are named after her.