Sheikh Hasina

August 6, 2022

Sheikh Hasina is a Bangladeshi politician and the current Prime Minister of Bangladesh. She has previously been served in the role of President from 1996 to 2001. Being the eldest daughter of the first president and the founding father of Bangladesh, she joined Awami League political party. She is till date the longest serving Prime Minister in the history of Bangladesh and is currently serving her fourth term. She became the first Bangladeshi Prime Minister since its independence who have completed the entire term. Her focus is on the issues of food security and access to education and healthcare of her country. Her ongoing struggle has been the establishment of a firm democracy in Bangladesh.

Hasina is the patron of the Asian University for Women led by the chancellor Cherie Blair and the First Lady of Japan, Akie Abe.

She has received the honor of Mother of humanity by Channel 4. Global Partnership Forum honored her Agent of Change Award. She holds the 59th place on Forbes’ list of 100 most powerful women in the world. She received her degree of Doctor of Law by the Boston University in 1997 and the Honorary Doctor of Law by the Waseda University of Japan in 1997. She also received her Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy in Liberal Arts from Abertay University in 1997. In 1998 UNESCO awarded her the Felix Houphouet-Boigny Peace Prize. She was honored Mother Teresa Award in 1998 by All India Peace Council. In 1999 she was received The Ceres Medal by the Food and Agriculture Organization. She was awarded The Pearl S. Buck Award by the Randolph College in 2000. She also received the Indira Gandhi Prize for 2009 and UNESCO Peace Tree award for her commitment to women’s empowerment and girl’s education in 2014. Her honorary includes UN Environment prize for leadership on climate change.